Applewood Gin
Best of Australian Gin
我會形容佢係一個草本花園 🌿🍋🌱🌳
Botanic Garden
Applewood Gin 用超過20種全澳洲本土嘅草本蒸餾而成,帶薰衣草、檸檬果香、薄荷、香草同煙熏味,
就好似係Botanic Garden 漫步一樣,有一種能夠帶你遠離繁囂嘅神奇力量,令人一試難忘!
🏆Gold Medal ~ Australian Distilled Spirit Awards 2017
🏆Gold Medal ~ New York Wine & Spirits Competition 2017
🏆Silver Medal ~ San Francisco Spirit Awards 2017
Country: Australia
The Original
Our first and signature expression. An intricate, unabashedly Australian dry gin with a native citrus core, alongside a piquant, unctuous earthiness and a soaring eucalypt freshness. An authentic reflection of the arid interior of Australia.
How We Drink it
Paired with a good quality tonic and garnish with a fresh lime slice, or shake in a classic Gimlet. For sustainable minds, warm nights and lovers of crisp refreshment.
43% Alc/Vol - 500mL