Iron Balls Gin 700ml
Iron Balls Gin Distillery 是由澳大利亞酒吧和俱樂部設計師 Ashley Sutton 構思和設計的,他在泰國為自己贏得了一定的名聲,他設計了 Sing Sing、Iron Fairies 和 The Bookshop Bar 等世界知名場所。
經過多年為其他人打造夢幻般的成人遊樂場後,Ash 於 2015 年決定開始自己的項目,因此 A.R.薩頓工程師暹羅酒吧誕生了。並隨後改名……
Iron Balls Gin Distillery was conceived and designed by Ashley Sutton, an Australian bar and club designer who has made something of a name for himself in Thailand, Having conceived such world famous establishments as Sing Sing, Iron Fairies and The Bookshop Bar.
After years spent creating fantastical grown up playgrounds for other people, Ash decided in 2015 to embark upon his own project, thus A.R. Sutton Engineers Siam bar was born. And subsequently renamed…
The scent of tropical fruit steers the gin, meaning you can't smell the strong scent of the ethanol., Juniper doesn’t make it through on the nose, but the ginger and cinnamon burst in, bringing with them a distinctive warmth.
ABV: 40%
Country: Thailand