Ledaig 10 Years Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Ledaig is produced by Burn Stewart Distillers, a company conceived in 1988 with a vision to create a fully integrated Scotch Whisky company and to build a portfolio of international brands. In 1991 Burn Stewart achieved a listing on the London Stock Exchange and soon after acquired the Tobermory Distillery - the only distillery on the picturesque Hebridean Isle of Mull. It is here that Ledaig is produced. (The name is pronounced "Led-chig" and translates to 'safe-haven' from the Gaelic tongue, aptly named after the area in which the distillery sits.) Unlike the Tobermory whisky however, Ledaig is distilled from heavily peated malted barley.
Tasting note: Pale gold appearance. Offers powerful aromas of cocoa and sooty malt over traces of brine, salted nuts and peppercorns. Exposure brings out suggestions of lanolin and beeswax. A light entry develops into a typically brawny, briney Ledaig experience; a medium bodied whisky with flavours of vanilla, malt and delicate peat finishing dry and mildly peppery. Excellent balance. Aftertaste sees a return of the wet wool / lanolin notes which linger with good persistence. Great to see this obscure malt back on Australian shelves and in terrific form! Non Chill-filtered. 46.3% Alc./Vol.
Ledaig 由 Burn Stewart Distillers 生產,該公司成立於 1988 年,其願景是創建一家完全整合的蘇格蘭威士忌公司並建立國際品牌組合。
1991 年,伯恩斯圖爾特在倫敦證券交易所上市,不久後收購了托伯莫里釀酒廠——風景如畫的赫布里底群島馬爾島唯一的釀酒廠。
Ledaig就是在這裡生產的。 (這個名字的發音是“Led-chig”,在蓋爾語中翻譯為“避風港”,恰當地以釀酒廠所在的地區命名。)
然而,與 Tobermory 威士忌不同,Ledaig 是從重度泥煤大麥芽中蒸餾出來的。
曝光帶來了羊毛脂和蜂蠟的建議。輕快的入口發展成典型的粗壯、鹹味的 Ledaig 體驗;
Country: Scotland