Nikka Coffey Gin
繼 Coffey Grain 和 Coffey Malt 的成功之後,2017 年又增加了 Coffey Gin 和 Coffey Vodka 這兩種新的表達方式,以進一步追求 Coffey Stills 的美感。該項目是通過結合 Nikka 的有形和無形資產,如傳統的 Coffey 蒸餾器、自 1960 年代以來在蒸餾杜松子酒和伏特加酒方面的專業知識,以及從創始人那裡繼承的技能以及創新思維相結合而完成的。
Nikka's Coffey 餾分油的卓越性已通過廣泛的產品陣容得到廣泛認可。
科菲金酒的複雜性是通過 11 種精選植物和科菲蒸餾物的絲滑質地之間的完美平衡來實現的。來自四種日本柑橘——柚子、Kabosu、Amanatsu 和 Shequasar 的明亮而濃郁的香氣與杜松子、當歸、芫荽籽、檸檬和橙皮等傳統杜松子酒植物相得益彰。
還有一絲蘋果的味道,這種水果與 Nikka 的歷史有著密切的聯繫,最後是令人愉悅的日本山椒味
Following the success of Coffey Grain and Coffey Malt, two new expressions, Coffey Gin and Coffey Vodka, were added to the range in 2017 to further pursue the beauty of the Coffey stills. This project was accomplished by combining the tangible and intangible assets of Nikka such as the traditional Coffey stills, expertise in distilling gin and vodka since the 1960s, and blending skills inherited from the founder, along with the innovative mind.
The excellence of Nikka's Coffey distillates has been widely recognized through the extensive line-up.
Coffey Gin’s complexity is achieved through the perfect balance between 11 selected botanicals and the silky texture of Coffey distillates. The bright and zesty aroma originating from four kinds of Japanese citruses, Yuzu, Kabosu, Amanatsu and Shequasar, compliments the traditional gin botanicals of juniper berries, angelica, coriander seeds, lemon and orange peels.
There is also a touch of apples, a fruit deeply related to the history of Nikka, followed by pleasantly tangy hints of green Japanese Sansho pepper on the finish.
ABV: 47%
Country: Japan